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Mary Murphy

b. 9 December 1867, d. 12 December 1867

Family surname

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Mary Murphy was born on 9 December 1867 in Campbells River. She was the elder of twin girls.1,2,3,4


Step-fatherJames Murphy (b. November 1843, d. 5 November 1919)
MotherAnn Malcolm (b. 15 February 1847, d. 18 May 1922)


Mary Murphy died from premature birth on 12 December 1867 at age 0 in Campbells River.1,4 The body of Mary Murphy was interred on 13 December 1867 in Campbells River, NSW, Australia.1,4


  1. [S432] Death Certificate, Mary Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1867 No 4129.
  2. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), Mary Murphy, parents James and Ann, 6342/1867 Bathurst.
  3. [S1762] Divorce file, 83/1878. State Archives, Kingswood, NSW, Australia. NRS 13495, 1873-1967, 1969-1976, James Murphy v Ann Murphy and Henry Herring, Affidavit of Petitioner, James Murphy, dated 29 July 1878, filed 9 Aug 1878, clause 5.
  4. [S1766] Template Error
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ContextMurphy clan
Last Edited17 April 2023