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Edgar Kemp

b. 26 November 1877, d. 12 December 1953


Edgar Kemp was born on 26 November 1877 at Bokemar in Werri Werri. They lived around Coonamble, Frances was eighteen when her father William was working as a blacksmith on this property and Frances became pregnant to the landowner, a guy called Samuel Elliott, who was also a convict made good, bought land. Frances married a guy called Atwood Gardiner and throughout his life my grandfather, Edgar, always thought that his grandparents were his parents, he was never ever told. She left the property and married this Atwood Gardiner and had about sixteen children. Ted left home when he was eleven and he was just hanging around the streets in Coonamble and this fellow that owned a string of racehorses took a bit of a liking to him and took him to New Zealand with him as a stable boy. I think Ted must have learnt shearing over there because he came back and was a shearer all his life and met my grandmother, Josephine, in Forbes and that is where they started off, but eventually moved to Katoomba. That’s about it.1,2


FatherSamuel Elliott
MotherFrances ("Granny Gardner") Kemp (b. 7 July 1859, d. 10 May 1943)

Family life

Edgar Kemp and Josephine Louvatt were married on 3 November 1904.1

Partner with Josephine Louvatt


Edgar Kemp died on 12 December 1953 at age 76 in Captains Flat.1


  1. [S471] "RR: Kemp Family Group Sheets by Lorraine Voigt", 29 Jan 1991, Lorraine Voigt (5 Kenworth Street Brassall Qld 4305); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S1463] Birth Certificate No 21 11460/1877, Edgar Kemp, (26 Nov 1877), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
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Last Edited5 May 2021