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Thomas Howard

b. about 1820


Thomas Howard was born about 1820.1

Family life

Thomas Howard and Mary Tobin were married on 6 January 1841 at St Philip's Church in Sydney.1,2,3,4

Children with Mary Tobin (b. July 1817, d. 12 December 1856)

SonMartin Howard (b. 4 December 1841, d. 22 December 1906)
SonJohn Thomas Howard (b. 17 April 1845, d. 1 November 1922)
DaughterMary Howard (b. 18 June 1847)
DaughterSarah Jane Howard (b. 9 November 1849, d. 4 May 1922)

Residence information

Thomas Howard and Mary Tobin resided at Auburn Vale in Byron, NSW, Australia, in December 1856 They lived in a tiny hut, later described as a gunyah by Mr Borthwick.5


  1. [S622] "Research Report: Tobin, Mary on WikiTree by Leeane Godfrey", 22 Jun 2013, Leeane Godfrey; WikiTree,
  2. [S623] "Research Report: Tobin, Mary by Peter Page", 7 Jul 2004, Peter Page (email address); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S641] Marriage Certificate, Thomas Howard and Mary Tobin, 6 Jan 1841, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1841/167.
  4. [S639] Mary Howard nee Tobin, Convict Ticket Of Leave Butt: 1846 Howard Mary nee Tobin, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 9 Apr 1846
  5. [S643] Murder at Auburn Vale, New England, The Maitland Mercury, 3 Jan 1857.
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Last Edited21 August 2018