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Person Page 5,043

Mary Howard

b. 18 June 1847


Mary Howard was born on 18 June 1847 in Watsons Bay.1


FatherThomas Howard (b. about 1820)
MotherMary Tobin (b. July 1817, d. 12 December 1856)

Residence information

Mary Howard resided with Thomas Howard and Mary Tobin at Auburn Vale in Byron, NSW, Australia, in December 1856.2


  1. [S622] "Research Report: Tobin, Mary on WikiTree by Leeane Godfrey", 22 Jun 2013, Leeane Godfrey; WikiTree,
  2. [S643] Murder at Auburn Vale, New England, The Maitland Mercury, 3 Jan 1857.
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ContextBohen clan
Last Edited21 August 2018