William Ballantyne
b. July 1828
William Ballantyne was born in July 1828 in East Kilbride.
1,2 He was baptized on 3 August 1828 in East Kilbride, Lanark, Scotland.
Residence information
On 30 March 1851 they resided with parent (
Thomas Ballantyne, agricultural labourer) in East Kilbride, Lanark, Scotland.
Working life
- On 6 June 1841 William Ballantyne was an agricultural labourer at Greenhills in East Kilbride.3
- On 30 March 1851 William Ballantyne was a mason at Mullben in East Kilbride.1
- [S1014] Thomas Ballantyne, 30 Mar 1851 Census UK, Edinburgh, East Kilbride, Public Record Office, 643/ 5/1.
- [S1029] ScotlandsPeople, Index OPR births Scotland: Ballentyne x 6, (National Records of Scotland, 13 Aug 2012.)
- [S1018] Scott and Ballantyne, 6 Jun 1841 Census UK, Edinburgh, East Kilbride, National Records of Scotland, 643/ 8/3.

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