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Person Page 6,348

Alice Entwistle

b. 1 November 1771, d. 3 December 1791


Alice Entwistle was born on 1 November 1771 in Edgworth.1


FatherWilliam Entwistle (b. 1 May 1743, d. 27 March 1827)
MotherAlice Haslam (b. 1740, d. 6 February 1791)


Alice Entwistle died on 3 December 1791 at age 20 in Edgworth.2 She was buried on 4 December 1791 at St Ann's Church in Turton.2


  1. [S1236] Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, Index to Lancashire Baptisms, (Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, 20 Jan 2021), 5 Mar 1786, Entwistle.
  2. [S1561] Ancestry, Burial of Alice Entwistle, (Public Record Office, 1791), reference GB127.L98/1/2/2, daughter of William and Alice Entwistle of Edgworth, weaver, Burial Register for the Chapelry of Turton, Lancashire.
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Last Edited9 February 2021