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Mary Campbell

b. 1799, d. 24 July 1839


Mary Campbell was born in 1799 in Londonderry.1,2 She was born in 1803.3

Family life

William Entwistle and Mary Campbell were married on 20 September 1831 at Scots Presbyterian Church in Parramatta.1,3,4

Children with William Entwistle (b. 1 June 1792, d. 30 July 1864)

SonJoseph Entwistle (b. 1831)
DaughterEllen Entwistle (b. 1832)
DaughterNancy Entwistle (b. 1834, d. before 1862)
SonWilliam Francis Entwistle (b. 1 September 1836, d. 13 May 1919)


Mary Campbell died on 24 July 1839 at age ~40 in Parramatta.1,2 She was buried on 25 July 1839 at St John's Cemetery in Parramatta.1


  1. [S1434] "The Entwistle Lineage", 15 Aug 2019, Terry Walker (Perth, WA); Terry Walker Family History Archive, Perth.
  2. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S1542] William Entwistle to Mary Campbell, Convict Permission to Marry, (Kingswood: NSW Archives), 20 Sep 1831, Rev. J McGarvie. granted.
  4. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 202/1831 73A.
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Last Edited5 February 2021