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Person Page 6,548

Ann Entwistle

b. circa 1774

Person Exhibits

Logo Ann Entwistle ca 1774


Ann Entwistle was born circa 1774.

Family life

Henry Entwistle and Ann Entwistle were married on 5 February 1799 in Bolton.1,2

Children with Henry Entwistle (b. 8 May 1774, d. 17 December 1816)

SonEdmund Entwistle (b. 1 October 1800)
SonJames Entwistle (b. circa 1801, d. 4 July 1802)
SonThomas Entwistle (b. 1 April 1803, d. 4 September 1828)
SonHenry Entwistle (b. 4 January 1807)
DaughterAlice Entwistle (b. 25 August 1808)
DaughterAnn Entwistle (b. 1812)


  1. [S1530] "Henry Entwistle starved to death", 2021, James Michael Fleming (Cammeray, NSW); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S1210] Lancashire BMD, Index to Lancashire Marriages, (Lancashire BMD), 5 Feb 1799 St Peters Bolton.
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Last Edited31 January 2021