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Eliza Bend

b. 1839, d. 11 June 1924


Eliza Bend was born in 1839 in Norfolk Island.1


FatherPrivate Charles Bend, 80th Regiment of Foot (b. 6 September 1806, d. 25 March 1845)
MotherEliza Hood

Family life

James ("Jimmy") Reed and Eliza Bend were married on 5 December 1856 at Anglican church of St John the Baptist in Wellington. They were married by banns and licence and with the consent of the bride's mother.2,3

Children with James ("Jimmy") Reed (b. circa March 1835, d. 19 April 1916)

SonJohn Reed (b. 1859, d. 31 December 1945)
DaughterEliza Reed (b. 1860, d. 23 December 1942)
SonJames Reed (b. 1862, d. 17 December 1906)
SonCharles Alexander Reed (b. circa October 1865, d. 28 March 1919)
SonGeorge Reed (b. 1866, d. 1887)
SonHenry Reed (b. 16 January 1869, d. 24 November 1951)
SonFrank Edward Reed (b. 5 July 1871, d. 1 October 1940)
DaughterFrances Reed (b. 4 February 1874, d. 20 November 1947)
SonThomas Reed (b. 21 May 1876)
DaughterMary Jane Reed (b. 6 July 1878, d. 26 October 1948)

Residence information

Eliza Bend lived in Wellington, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 5 December 1856.3 Alexander and Thomas was 's housemate in Springsure, Queensland, Australia, in 1903. selector.4 Alexander and Thomas was 's housemate in Springsure, Queensland, Australia, in 1905. selector.5 She lived at Thursby in Rolleston, Queensland, Australia, in 1919, home duties.6 She lived at Thursby in Rolleston, Queensland, Australia, in 1922, home duties.7


Eliza Bend died on 11 June 1924 at age ~85 in Queensland.8


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), Eliza Bend, parents Charles and Eliza, 1459/1839 V1839145944A CG (Norfolk Island); and 1546/1839 V1839145923A CG (Norfolk Island.)
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), Marriage of James Ried and Eliza Bend, 2075/1856 at Wellington.
  3. [S1730] St John the Baptist church (Wellington), "Marriage Register," , ; SAG film 342, Society of Australian Genealogists, SAG library, Sydney., page 44
  4. [S1755] Electoral Roll, Queensland, Australia. 1903, Springsure, Sandy Creek Farm, James Reeed, selector; Eliza Reed, domestic duties; Thomas Reed, labourer; Alexander Reed, labourer; Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  5. [S1755] Electoral Roll, Queensland, Australia. 1905, Springsure, Sandy Creek Farm, James Reeed, selector; Eliza Reed, domestic duties; Thomas Reed, labourer; Alexander Reed, labourer; Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  6. [S1755] Electoral Roll, Queensland, Australia. 1919, Springsure, page 13, Eliza Reed, home duties, Thursby, Rolleston; Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  7. [S1755] Electoral Roll, Queensland, Australia. 1922, Capricornia, Springsure, page 12, Eliza Reed, home duties, Thursby, Rolleston; Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  8. [S897] Qld Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to Qld Deaths, (Registry of BDM), Eliza Reed died 11 Jun 1924, parents Chales Benn and Eliza Hood,, 1924/C/3168.
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Last Edited4 April 2023