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Alexander Reed

b. 10 July 1837, d. 21 November 1917


Alexander Reed was born on 10 July 1837 in Linden. "The Reeds' third son, Alexander, was born at 17 Mile Hollow on 10th July 1837."1,2,3,4,5 He was baptized on 26 July 1837 at 17 Mile Hollow in Linden, NSW.4


FatherPrivate James Reed, 80th Regiment of Foot (b. 14 December 1808, d. 30 January 1898)
MotherFrances Heazle (b. 1812, d. 5 April 1895)

Family life

Alexander Reed and Mary Eckel were married on 5 December 1877 at Wesleyan Minister's Residence in Rockhampton.5

Children with Mary Eckel (b. 25 April 1860, d. 15 September 1925)

DaughterMargaret ("Maggie") Reed (b. 8 July 1879, d. 13 March 1959)
DaughterEliza Jane Reed (b. 28 December 1880, d. 25 December 1964)
DaughterChristina Wingfield Reed (b. 1 February 1883, d. 18 December 1950)
SonHenry James Reed (b. 5 December 1885, d. 26 April 1953)
SonGeorge Charles Alexander Reed (b. 28 November 1887, d. 1966)
SonWilliam Edward ("William Frederick") Reed (b. 6 April 1890, d. 4 August 1950)
SonErnest John Reed (b. 19 July 1891, d. 19 May 1919)

Residence information

Frances, James, and John traveled to on 10 September 1839.6 Eliza and Thomas was 's housemate in Springsure, Queensland, Australia, in 1903. selector.7 Eliza and Thomas was 's housemate in Springsure, Queensland, Australia, in 1905. selector.8 Alexander Reed lived at Sandy Creek Farm in Springsure, Queensland, Australia, in 1906, labourer.9

Working life

  • On 25 November 1867 Alexander Reed was a bullock driver in Bourke.10
  • On 5 December 1877 Alexander Reed was a carrier in Rockhamption.5


Alexander Reed possessed purchased land for four pounds on 25 November 1867 at section 21, lot 5, 1 acre, Anson Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.10 He possessed sold land to Cavendish Lister Nevile (Solicitor, Bourke) on 11 October 1881 at section 21, lot 5, 1 acre, Anson Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.10 He possessed selected land on 1 August 1887 at Selection 23 in Springsure, Queensland, Australian Colonies.11


Alexander Reed died on 21 November 1917 at age 80 in Queensland.12


  1. [S303] "Research Report: Reed family facts", 1986, Robert Luxford; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S326] Death Certificate, James Reed, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1898 No 5.
  3. [S405] Death Certificate, Frances Reed, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1895 No 4274.
  4. [S1618] Baptism Register, number 321
  5. [S1651] Certificate of Marriage: ; Queensland BDM, Brisbane, ., 1877/C/848
  6. [S1617] 80th Regiment, "Diary 1793-1897," digital images, AJCP, Trove ( : accessed )., online; 14 January 2022
  7. [S1755] Electoral Roll, Queensland, Australia. 1903, Springsure, Sandy Creek Farm, James Reeed, selector; Eliza Reed, domestic duties; Thomas Reed, labourer; Alexander Reed, labourer; Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  8. [S1755] Electoral Roll, Queensland, Australia. 1905, Springsure, Sandy Creek Farm, James Reeed, selector; Eliza Reed, domestic duties; Thomas Reed, labourer; Alexander Reed, labourer; Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  9. [S1755] Electoral Roll, Queensland, Australia. 1906, Springsure, Sandy Creek Farm, Alexander Reed, labourer, electoral register number 207; Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  10. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 72 folio 206
  11. [S1752] Government of Queensland, "Selections," register of selection under the queensland crown lands act 1884, 1 Aug 1887, ITM24016, Land records; Queensland Archives Repository, Brisbane. Selection 23, Springsure, Alexander Reed, 1887, microfilm number Z5422, page 41, 30 Sep 1889.
  12. [S897] Qld Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to Qld Deaths, (Registry of BDM), Alexander Reid, parants James Reid and Frances Hazel, 21 Nov 1917, 4554/1917, page 1679.
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Last Edited4 April 2023