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Person Page 6,633

Ernest John Reed

b. 19 July 1891, d. 19 May 1919


Ernest John Reed was born on 19 July 1891 in Queensland.1


FatherAlexander Reed (b. 10 July 1837, d. 21 November 1917)
MotherMary Eckel (b. 25 April 1860, d. 15 September 1925)


Ernest John Reed died on 19 May 1919 at age 27 in Queensland.2


  1. [S1650] Qld Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to Qld Births, (Registry of BDM), 258/1891, page 21740.
  2. [S897] Qld Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to Qld Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 3029/1919, page 1675.
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Last Edited1 February 2022