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Person Page 6,628

Eliza Jane Reed

b. 28 December 1880, d. 25 December 1964


Eliza Jane Reed was born on 28 December 1880 in Queensland.1


FatherAlexander Reed (b. 10 July 1837, d. 21 November 1917)
MotherMary Eckel (b. 25 April 1860, d. 15 September 1925)

Partner with Robert George Andrews (b. 1876, d. 24 April 1950)

Residence information

Christina was 's housemate in Longreach, Queensland, Australia, in 1903. domestic servant.2


Eliza Jane Reed died on 25 December 1964 at age 83 in Longreach.3


  1. [S1650] Qld Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to Qld Births, (Registry of BDM), 125/1881.
  2. [S1755] Electoral Roll, Queensland, Australia., Longreach, Emu Street, Mary Reed, domestic servant; Christina Reed, domestic servant; Eliza Jane Reed, domestic servant; Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  3. [S1757] Rose Maree Thomasson, "Thomasson Family Tree," online pedigree chart,, Ancestry ( online 12 Apr 2023),
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Last Edited12 April 2023