All our tracks and ways - available October 2024

Person Page 6,610

William Reed

b. April 1771, d. 6 April 1772


William Reed was born in April 1771 in Whitmore.1 He was baptized on 5 May 1771 at St Mary and All Saints church in Whitmore, Staffordshire.1


FatherWilliam Reed (b. circa 1745, d. 7 January 1786)
MotherSarah Martin (b. circa 1745, d. 16 August 1802)


William Reed died on 6 April 1772 at age ~1 in Whitmore.2 He was buried on 7 April 1772 in Whitmore.2


  1. [S1647] St Mary and All Saints (Whitmore, Staffordshire), , , ; digital images, Find My Past ( : accessed )., page 5
  2. [S1647] St Mary and All Saints (Whitmore, Staffordshire), , , ; digital images, Find My Past ( : accessed )., page 7
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Last Edited31 January 2022