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Person Page 6,643

John Benjamin Linley ("Benjamin") Johnson

b. November 1873, d. 1955

Person Exhibits

John Benjamin Linley Johnson ca 1903


John Benjamin Linley ("Benjamin") Johnson was born in November 1873 in Bourke. His father had been in Darlingurst Gaol for more than a year before this child was born.1


FatherHenry Johnson (b. circa 1838, d. 3 April 1911)
MotherEliza Emily Reed (b. 22 October 1841, d. 22 August 1925)


John Benjamin Linley ("Benjamin") Johnson died in 1955 at age ~82.


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 7903/1873, parents Henry and Eliza, Bourke.
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Last Edited21 March 2023