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Henry Johnson

b. circa 1838, d. 3 April 1911


Henry Johnson was born circa 1838 in Richmond.1,2,2,3


FatherWilliam Johnson (b. 28 July 1796, d. 23 July 1854)
MotherBridget Caton, (or Keating) (b. circa 1797, d. circa 1846)

Family life

Henry Johnson and Eliza Emily Reed were married on 12 September 1865 in Bourke.4,5,2

Children with Eliza Emily Reed (b. 22 October 1841, d. 22 August 1925)

DaughterFrances Eliza Johnson (b. 1866, d. before 22 August 1925)
SonJames Henry Johnson (b. 9 February 1868, d. 1938)
SonAlexander George Oxley Johnson+ (b. 22 December 1869, d. 1946)
DaughterSarah Jane Heazle ("Heazle") Johnson+ (b. 29 November 1871, d. 28 July 1960)
SonJohn Benjamin Linley ("Benjamin") Johnson (b. November 1873, d. 1955)
SonGeorge Johnson (b. 20 April 1876)
SonHenry Sampson ("Sampson") Johnson (b. 2 March 1878, d. 1956)
DaughterEmily Jane Johnson (b. 15 October 1879, d. 1 November 1908)
SonAlbert William Johnson (b. 25 September 1881)
DaughterMary Ann Maud ("Maud") Johnson (b. 25 May 1884)

Residence information

Henry Johnson and Eliza Emily Reed resided at Culgoa Street in North Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 5 April 1891 The household consisted of 4 males and three females.6

Working life

  • On 26 May 1872 Henry Johnson was a stockman in Bourke.7
  • On 11 June 1872 Henry Johnson was a granted a timber license in Brewarrina.8
  • On 20 August 1872 Henry Johnson was a granted a timber license in Brewarrina.9
  • On 13 December 1872 Henry Johnson was a granted a timber license in Bourke.10
  • On 18 June 1875 Henry Johnson was a granted a timber license at Warrego District in Bourke.11
  • He was associated with Private James Reed, 80th Regiment of Foot, and Frances Heazle let his Mountain House Hotel business to Henry Johnson in July 1875 in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.12
  • On 28 September 1876 Henry Johnson was a publican.13
  • On 27 October 1879 Henry Johnson was a Hotel Keeper at Mount Oxley Hotel in Bourke.14
  • On 16 October 1881 Henry Johnson was a Selector in Bogan.15
  • On 8 March 1885 Henry Johnson was a labourer at Mooculta in Bourke.16



Henry Johnson died on 3 April 1911 at age ~73 at North Bourke in Bourke.1,19


  1. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 4845/1911, Henry Johnson aged 78 years.
  2. [S1735] Marriage Certificate, Henry Johnson and Eliza Bufe nee Reed, 12 Sep 1865, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 18/1865.
  3. [S1748] Birth Certificate 381/1871, Sarah Jane Heazel Johnson, (29 Nov 1871), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  4. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 1466/1865.
  5. [S1747] Death Certificate, Eliza Johnson, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, 15474/1925.
  6. [S1749] H Johnson household, Culgoa Street, North Bourke, 5 Apr 1891 Census, NSW, Bourke, NSW Records Authority.
  7. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Sarah Jane Hazel Johnson, 26 May 1872, page 2
  8. [S1633] "," NSW Government Gazette, Sydney, ; online image, Trove ( : accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Timber Licenses; notice; 11 June 1872; H Johnson, general, Brewarrina, 15 shillings; online; 1 May 2023;
  9. [S1633] "," NSW Government Gazette, Sydney, ; online image, Trove ( : accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Timber Licenses; notice; 20 August 1872; H Johnson, general, Brewarrina, 15 shillings; online; 1 May 2023;
  10. [S1633] "," NSW Government Gazette, Sydney, ; online image, Trove ( : accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Timber Licenses; notice; 13 December 1872; H Johnson, hardwood, Bourke, 5 shillings; online; 1 May 2023;
  11. [S1633] "," NSW Government Gazette, Sydney, ; online image, Trove ( : accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Timber Licenses; notice; 18 June 1875; H Johnson, hardwood, Warrego, 5 shillings; online; 1 May 2023;
  12. [S1630] "," The Central Australian and Bourke Telegraph, Bourke, ; print, National Library of Australia (: accessed )., The Mount Oxley Hotel; advertisement; 2 August 1875; transcribed by JM Fleming; 1991
  13. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, George Johnson, 28 Sep 1876, page 7
  14. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Henry Sampson Johnson, Emily Jane Johnson and Eliza Emily Tobin Maxwell, 27 Oct 1879, page 11
  15. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Albert William Johnson, 16 Oct 1881, page 13
  16. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Mary Ann Maud Johnson, Frederick George Brennan and Alfred John Brennan, 8 Mar 1885, pages 19 and 20
  17. [S1628] , ; Transfer, Land Deeds; NSW Land Titles Office, Sydney., 40 ac North Bourke portion 9 CP 1 of 1869 Book 378 No 473; 4 August 1887
  18. [S1628] , ; Transfer, Land Deeds; NSW Land Titles Office, Sydney., 40 ac North Bourke portion 8 CP 7 of 1869 Book 378 No 474; 4 August 1887
  19. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Mrs Eliza Johnson; obituary; 26 August 1925; page 2; 2 February 2022
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Last Edited1 May 2023