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James Henry Johnson

b. 9 February 1868, d. 1938


James Henry Johnson was born on 9 February 1868 in Bourke.1


FatherHenry Johnson (b. circa 1838, d. 3 April 1911)
MotherEliza Emily Reed (b. 22 October 1841, d. 22 August 1925)



James Henry Johnson died in 1938 at age ~70 in Bourke.5


  1. [S1657] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1841 Eliza Emily Johnson, 5643/1868 Bourke
  2. [S1628] , ; Transfer, Land Deeds; NSW Land Titles Office, Sydney., 40 ac North Bourke portion 9 CP 1 of 1869 Book 378 No 473; 4 August 1887
  3. [S1628] , ; Transfer, Land Deeds; NSW Land Titles Office, Sydney., 40 ac North Bourke portion 8 CP 7 of 1869 Book 378 No 474; 4 August 1887
  4. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 1743 folio 33
  5. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 25436/1938 Bourke.
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Last Edited18 March 2022