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William Johnson

b. 28 July 1796, d. 23 July 1854


William Johnson was born on 28 July 1796 in Isle of Ely.

Family life

William Johnson and Bridget Caton, (or Keating), were married on 7 February 1820 in Parramatta.1

Children with Bridget Caton, (or Keating), (b. circa 1797, d. circa 1846)

DaughterSarah Johnson (b. 1820)
DaughterMary Johnson (b. 1822)
SonWilliam Johnson (b. 1824)
SonJames Johnson (b. 1826)
SonHenry Johnson+ (b. circa 1838, d. 3 April 1911)

Residence information

William Johnson emigrated on 20 September 1818 from England at per "Lord Sidmouth."2 He immigrated on 11 March 1819 to Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, at Port Jackson. He was sent to Parramatta for distribution and subsequently assigned to William Lawson.2 He and Bridget Caton, (or Keating), resided in Windsor, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, in 1822.3 He and Bridget Caton, (or Keating), resided at Cambridge Street in Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, in November 1828.2

Involvement in crime

William Johnson was charged with stealing two deal boxes, three brushes, a pair of stockings and other articles from George Adcock on 10 March 1818 in Nottingham. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to transportation for seven years. Prior to going aboard the Lord Sidmouth he was held prisoner aboard the Justicia Hulk at Woolwich.2

Working life

  • In November 1828 William Johnson was a shoemaker at Cambridge Street in Sydney.2


William Johnson died on 23 July 1854 at age 57 in Richmond.


  1. [S1737] William Johnson and Bridget Caton, Convict PM: 1820 Johnson Caton granted, (Kingswood: NSW Archives), 7 Feb 1820, Rev. Samuel Marsden. Granted.
  2. [S1738] Unstated, Unstated, "Convicts," database, Coding Labs, Convict Records ( accessed ), ; citing various.,, online; 7 March 2023; William Johnson arrived 1819, Lord Sidmouth
  3. [S1738] Unstated, Unstated, "Convicts," database, Coding Labs, Convict Records ( accessed ), ; citing various.,, online; 7 March 2023; Bridget Keating arrived 1817, Canada
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Last Edited7 March 2023