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Alexander Maxwell

b. August 1871, d. July 1872


Alexander Maxwell was born in August 1871 in Bourke.1


FatherJoseph Maxwell, Junior (b. 1846, d. 6 February 1929)
MotherJane Elizabeth Reed (b. 16 June 1856)


Alexander Maxwell possessed purchased 2 roods for 7 pounds and 15 shillings on 25 September 1871 at section 8 lot 3, Oxley Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.2 He possessed transferred part of 2 roods to James Tobin Junior (husband of his aunt Frances Reed) on 4 February 1881 at section 8 lot 3, Oxley Street (part), in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.3 He possessed transfrerred land to Sarah Ann Brennan (nee Reed, his aunt) on 4 February 1881 at section 8 lot 3, Oxley Street (remainder), in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.4


Alexander Maxwell died in July 1872 at age 0 in Bourke.5


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), Alexander Maxwell, parents Joseph and Jane Elizabeth, Bourke, 7581/1872.
  2. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 137 folio 23
  3. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 544 folio 134
  4. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 544 folio 108
  5. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), Alexander Maxwell, parents Joseph and Jane E, Bourke, 3393/1872.
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Last Edited5 April 2023