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Kate Heazle Maxwell

b. 26 September 1875, d. 9 November 1936


Kate Heazle Maxwell was born on 26 September 1875 in Bourke.1,2 She was baptized on 2 November 1875 at St Stephen's Church of England at Bourke in Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.2


FatherJoseph Maxwell, Junior (b. 1846, d. 6 February 1929)
MotherJane Elizabeth Reed (b. 16 June 1856)

Family life

William Alexander Peter and Kate Heazle Maxwell were married on 2 February 1897 in Brewarrina.3,4

Child with William Alexander Peter (b. 17 August 1874, d. 24 March 1962)

DaughterKate heazle Peter (b. 6 July 1899)


Kate Heazle Maxwell died on 9 November 1936 at age 61.5


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 8345/1875.
  2. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Kate Hazel Maxwell, 2 Nov 1875, page 6
  3. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), William Peter and Kate Hazel Maxwell, 752/1897, Brewarrina.
  4. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Kate Hazel Peter, 7 Oct 1899, number 1880, page 137, born 6 Jul 1899 at Bourke, (page 31)
  5. [S1659] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1856 Jane Maxwell, History of Bourke Journal, volume 9 biographies, page 101
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Last Edited5 April 2023