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William Walter Davis

b. 5 July 1840, d. 14 September 1923


William Walter Davis was born on 5 July 1840 in Bathurst.1

Family life

William Walter Davis and Annie Heair were married on 30 August 1861 at Sydney Hotel in Rutherglen.2 He and Catherine ("Kate") Maxwell were married on 14 November 1870 at St Stephen's Church of England at Bourke in Bourke. He and Florence Jane Whittaker were married on 12 March 1885 at Church of England in Blayney.

Partner with Annie Heair (b. circa 1840)

Children with Catherine ("Kate") Maxwell (b. 1844, d. 1884)

SonErnest Maxwell Davis (b. 1867)
DaughterLaura I Davis (b. 1869)
SonWalter J A Davis (b. 1871)
SonHenry B ("Harry") Davis (b. 1872)
SonEbenezer Bourke Davis (b. 1874)
DaughterAgnes Jane ("Dolly") Davis (b. 1876)
SonWilliam W Davis (b. 1877)
DaughterKate Marion Davis (b. 1880)
SonHerbert Lionel Davis (b. 1882)
SonFrederick D Davis (b. 1884)

Children with Florence Jane Whittaker (b. circa 1855)

DaughterFanny S Davis (b. 1885)
SonJohn W Davis (b. 1888)
SonThomas K Davis (b. 1890)
DaughterMary L Davis (b. 1893)
DaughterAlice Davis (b. 1895)
SonArthur M Davis (b. 1898)

Working life

  • William Walter Davis was associated with Joseph Maxwell, Junior, butcher in 1870 in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.3


William Walter Davis died on 14 September 1923 at age 83 in Randwick.


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 1890/1870 Bourke.
  2. [S1659] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1856 Jane Maxwell, Maxwell family memoirs by Harvey Barnett, History of Bourke Journal
  3. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Obituary, Mr Joseph Maxwell; obituary; 13 February 1929; page 3;; 2 February 2022
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Last Edited27 February 2022