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Person Page 6,783

Eliza Hilt, alias Whye1

b. circa 1869, d. 3 February 1947


Eliza Hilt, alias Whye, was born circa 1869 in Brewarrina.2,3,1


MotherCaroline Frances ("Carry") Hilt (b. 1847, d. 26 February 1917)

Family life

James Sherwin and Eliza Hilt, alias Whye, were married in 1897 in Brewarrina.1


SonCharles Walker Hilt+ (b. 1889, d. 17 July 1935)

Partner with James Sherwin (b. circa 1865)

Working life

  • In 1934 Eliza Hilt, alias Whye, was a home duties at Bourke Lane in Brewarrina.4
  • In 1936 Eliza Hilt, alias Whye, was a home duties at Bourke Lane in Brewarrina.5


Eliza Hilt, alias Whye, died on 3 February 1947 at age ~78 in Brewarrina.2,3


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), James Sherwin and Eliza Hilt, 2904/1897, Brewarrina.
  2. [S1722] Brewarrina Historians, Index to Burials at Brewarrina NSW, (Brewarrina Shire Council), Eliza Sherwin, No. 304, G 13A, 3 Feb 1947.
  3. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), Eliza Sherwin, aged 78 years, 4285/1947, Brewarrina, mother Caroline.
  4. [S1724] Electoral Roll, Brewarrina; page 13; Elizabeth Whye, Bourke Lane, home duties
  5. [S1723] Electoral Roll, Brewarrina; page 14; Elizabeth Whye, Bourke Lane
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Last Edited21 April 2023