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Caroline Frances ("Carry") Hilt

b. 1847, d. 26 February 1917


Caroline Frances ("Carry") Hilt was born in 1847 in Brewarrina.


Father("Peter, John, Jack, James or Thomas") Hilt (b. circa 1815)
MotherFanny Wailwan (b. circa 1810)

Family life

Samuel Parker, of Coopers Creek SA, and Caroline Frances ("Carry") Hilt were married in 1901 in Brewarrina.1


DaughterLily Whye (b. circa 1861, d. 1 November 1916)
DaughterEliza Hilt, alias Whye+ (b. circa 1869, d. 3 February 1947)
SonGeorge Whye+ (b. circa 1871, d. 1926)
DaughterDonalina Isabella Hilt+ (b. 15 February 1872, d. 21 July 1959)
DaughterJessie Whye (b. circa 1886, d. 18 January 1908)
DaughterFrances Whye (b. 1886, d. 1956)
DaughterVictoria Hilt (b. circa 1892, d. 25 July 1892)

Children with Alfred Haylock Whye (b. 19 November 1852, d. 22 October 1939)

SonFrederick William Whye (b. 1879, d. 13 March 1944)
SonTrooper Alfred Ernest Whye (b. 1882, d. 28 April 1969)
SonAlbert Joseph Whye (b. 1884, d. 1954)

Child with Samuel Parker, of Coopers Creek SA, (b. circa 1847, d. 14 August 1907)

DaughterCaroline Parker Whye (b. circa 1885, d. 8 December 1964)

Residence information

Caroline Frances ("Carry") Hilt resided at Doyle Land in Brewarrina, NSW, Australia, in March 1901 The 1901 census counted two female aboriginals in her house (including Caroline).2,3


Caroline Frances ("Carry") Hilt died on 26 February 1917 at age ~70. The Brewarrina Burial Register gives her age as 84 years, implying a birth year of 1833. That would make her 53 years old when her twin daughters Jessie and Frances were born and 59 years old when her daughter Victoria was born, so it is extremely unlikely that she was as old as 84 years.4,5


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 3379/1901 Brewarrina.
  2. [S1680] JM Fleming, Family Whye 1821 William Hannah Hedlin, page 4
  3. [S1725] NSW Census of the year 1901, Brewarrina, census district 11, County of Clyde; page 10, schedule 130; Caroline Hilt, Doyle Land
  4. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 1917/3971.
  5. [S1722] Brewarrina Historians, Index to Burials at Brewarrina NSW, (Brewarrina Shire Council), Caroline Parker, aged 84, No. 2775, page 48.
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Last Edited8 September 2022