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Charles Devine Mathews, son of the founder of Louth

b. 29 May 1866, d. 16 October 1950


Charles Devine Mathews, son of the founder of Louth, was born on 29 May 1866 in Louth NSW.


Family life

Charles Devine Mathews, son of the founder of Louth, and Isabella Maude Mary ("Maude") Brennan were married in 1891 in Bourke.1

Children with Isabella Maude Mary ("Maude") Brennan (b. 15 March 1869)

DaughterIvy M Mathews (b. 1892)
SonLeslie D Mathews (b. 1893)
DaughterEmily M Mathews (b. 1895)
DaughterRuby Mathews (b. 1898)
SonAlfred Mathews (b. 1901)
SonCharles A Mathews (b. 1903)
SonAthol L Mathews (b. 1905)
SonThomas P Mathews (b. 1905)
SonWilliam Frederick Mathews (b. 1907, d. 1908)
DaughterViola B Mathews (b. 1908)
DaughterMaud M Mathews (b. 1910)
DaughterEdna I Mathews (b. 1911)


Charles Devine Mathews, son of the founder of Louth, died on 16 October 1950 at age 84. According to her biographer, Maude was presented with the gift of a clock to commemorate her "being the oldest woman in Bourke".2,3


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), Charles Matthews and Isabella M M Brennan, 2778/1891, Bourke.
  2. [S1689] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1844 Sarah Ann Brennan, Biography, Women of the West - Maude Brennan, by "WH", History of Bourke Journal, volume 13 page 47
  3. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), Charles Devine Mathews, 32429/1950 at Bourke, parents Thomas Andrew and Mary.
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Last Edited21 February 2023