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Person Page 6,673

Isabella Maude Mary ("Maude") Brennan

b. 15 March 1869


Isabella Maude Mary ("Maude") Brennan was born on 15 March 1869 at North Bourke in Bourke. Her biographer claimed that "Maude Brennan was the first white baby born at North Bourke on March 15, 1869".1,2,3,4


FatherMichael James ("Mick") Brennan (b. 3 March 1843, d. 9 December 1908)
MotherSarah Ann Reed (b. 21 March 1844, d. May 1932)

Family life

Charles Devine Mathews, son of the founder of Louth, and Isabella Maude Mary ("Maude") Brennan were married in 1891 in Bourke.5

Children with Charles Devine Mathews, son of the founder of Louth, (b. 29 May 1866, d. 16 October 1950)

DaughterIvy M Mathews (b. 1892)
SonLeslie D Mathews (b. 1893)
DaughterEmily M Mathews (b. 1895)
DaughterRuby Mathews (b. 1898)
SonAlfred Mathews (b. 1901)
SonCharles A Mathews (b. 1903)
SonAthol L Mathews (b. 1905)
SonThomas P Mathews (b. 1905)
SonWilliam Frederick Mathews (b. 1907, d. 1908)
DaughterViola B Mathews (b. 1908)
DaughterMaud M Mathews (b. 1910)
DaughterEdna I Mathews (b. 1911)


  1. [S679] , History of Bourke Journal, volume 9 (Bourke NSW: Bourke and District Historical Society, 1966-1992), page 57.
  2. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), Isabella MM Brennan, parents Michael and Sarah A, 6186/1869, Bourke.
  3. [S1689] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1844 Sarah Ann Brennan, Biography, Women of the West - Maude Brennan, by "WH", History of Bourke Journal, volume 13 page 47
  4. [S1777] Template Error
  5. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), Charles Matthews and Isabella M M Brennan, 2778/1891, Bourke.
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Last Edited24 March 2022