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Sarah Ann Reed

b. 21 March 1844, d. May 1932

Person Exhibits

Sarah Ann Brennan nee Reed circa 1890 cropped


Sarah Ann Reed was born on 21 March 1844 at York Street in Sydney. According to Luxford's "Reed Family History", "when Sarah Ann Reed (born 21st March) was baptised on 26th May, 1844. the address was shown as York Street, so it appears that James Reed had set himself up in a shop on the corner just across the way from the Barracks which he had just left. Clearly, if the military life no longer held any appeal, the company of his old colleagues was still attractive (as also their custom)."
Sarah Ann's obituary says that she was born in Barrack Street.1,2,3,4 She was baptized on 26 May 1844 in Sydney, NSW, Australia. Robert Luxford's "Reed Family History" mentions "When Sarah Ann Reed (born 21st March) was baptised on 26th May, 1844. the address was shown as York Street, so it appears that James Reed had set himself up in a shop on the corner just across the way from the Barracks which he had just left. Clearly, if the military life no longer held any appeal, the company of his old colleagues was still attractive (as also their custom)."1,2


FatherPrivate James Reed, 80th Regiment of Foot (b. 14 December 1808, d. 30 January 1898)
MotherFrances Heazle (b. 1812, d. 5 April 1895)

Family life

Michael James ("Mick") Brennan and Sarah Ann Reed were married on 6 January 1863 in Sydney.1,5,6,4

Children with Michael James ("Mick") Brennan (b. 3 March 1843, d. 9 December 1908)

DaughterSarah E Brennan+ (b. 24 July 1864)
DaughterFrances Eliza Brennan+ (b. circa October 1865, d. 1885)
DaughterEmeline Brennan (b. July 1867)
DaughterIsabella Maude Mary ("Maude") Brennan+ (b. 15 March 1869)
DaughterVictoria Prudence Brennan (b. 7 September 1870)
SonWilliam J Brennan (b. August 1872, d. 14 August 1876)
DaughterMary Jane Heazle Brennan (b. 23 July 1874, d. 30 November 1944)
DaughterJosephine Whalan Brennan (b. 28 May 1877, d. 10 June 1956)
DaughterAnnie Brennan (b. 28 December 1878, d. 1879)
SonMichael James Brennan (b. 6 October 1881)
SonAlfred John Brennan+ (b. 28 February 1884, d. 10 May 1947)

Residence information

Sarah Ann Reed and Michael James ("Mick") Brennan resided at Darling Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in January 1878.7 She and Michael James ("Mick") Brennan resided at Oxley Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 5 April 1891 The househild included 5 males and 5 females.8


Sarah Ann Reed possessed transferred land to her youngest son, Alfred John Brennan, labourer on 21 May 1919 at section 8 lot 3, Oxley Street (remainder), in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.9 She possessed transferred land to the NSW Public Trustee on 7 May 1948 at section 8 lot 3, Oxley Street (remainder), in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.9


Sarah Ann Reed witnessed the death of Frances Reed on 5 June 1922 in Leichhardt, NSW, Australia.10,11,12 Sarah Ann Reed died from a long illness in May 1932 at age 88 in Bourke. She was survived by two sons, four daughters, 62 grandchildren, 93 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.13,3 She was buried in May 1932 at Bourke Church of England Cemetery in Bourke.3


  1. [S303] "Research Report: Reed family facts", 1986, Robert Luxford; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S1649] St James church (Sydney, NSW), , , ; digital index, Ancestry ( : accessed )., Sarah Ann Reed baptised 26 May 1844, FHL film number 993955
  3. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Death of a Pioneer; obituary of Sarah Ann Brennan; 20 May 1932; page 3;; 6 February 2022
  4. [S1777] Template Error
  5. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), Michael Brennan and Sarah Ann Reed, 18/1863 at Sydney.
  6. [S679] , History of Bourke Journal, vol 9 (Bourke NSW: Bourke and District Historical Society, 1966-1992), page 40.
  7. [S679] , History of Bourke Journal, volume 9 (Bourke NSW: Bourke and District Historical Society, 1966-1992), page 57.
  8. [S1749] M Brennan household, Oxley Street, 5 Apr 1891 Census, NSW, Bourke, NSW Records Authority.
  9. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 544 folio 108
  10. [S803], Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current,
  11. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 10407/1922 Petersham.
  12. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Death of Mrs Tobin; obituary; 9 August 1922; page 2;; 8 February 2022
  13. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 9402/1932 Bourke.
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Last Edited21 March 2022