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Person Page 6,811

Lila Rose Gibb

b. 1909, d. 1909


Lila Rose Gibb was born in 1909.1,2


FatherAlexander James Boswell Gibb, of "Collerina" (b. 3 April 1875, d. 17 October 1947)
MotherMercy Archer (b. circa 1880, d. 20 July 1958)


Lila Rose Gibb died in 1909 at age ~0 in Bourke.1


  1. [S1665] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1852 Mary Ann Gibb Farrell, 12541/1909 Bourke
  2. [S1665] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1852 Mary Ann Gibb Farrell, 22962/1909 Bourke
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Last Edited23 March 2022