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Alexander James Boswell Gibb, of "Collerina"

b. 3 April 1875, d. 17 October 1947


Alexander James Boswell Gibb, of "Collerina", was born on 3 April 1875 in Bourke.1,2 He was baptized on 1 June 1875 at St Stephen's Church of England at Bourke in Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.2


FatherGeorge Samson Gibb (b. 8 April 1840, d. 9 December 1875)
MotherMary Ann Reed (b. 23 December 1852, d. 21 June 1934)

Family life

Alexander James Boswell Gibb, of "Collerina", and Mercy Archer were married in 1902 in Bourke.3

Children with Mercy Archer (b. circa 1880, d. 20 July 1958)

DaughterEllen F Gibb (b. 1904)
DaughterJanet V Gibb (b. 1907)
DaughterLila Rose Gibb (b. 1909, d. 1909)
DaughterEveline V Gibb (b. 1911)
DaughterMercy A Gibb (b. 1915)
DaughterRene M M Gibb (b. 1920)


Alexander James Boswell Gibb, of "Collerina", died on 17 October 1947 at age 72 in Brewarrina. page 24


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 8316/1875 Bourke.
  2. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Alexander James Boswell Gibb and Mary Jane Hazel Brennan, 1 Jun 1875, page 4
  3. [S1665] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1852 Mary Ann Gibb Farrell, History of Bourke Journal, volume 11, page 117
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Last Edited6 September 2022