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Ephraim Baker

b. 1804


Ephraim Baker was born in 1804 in Somersetshire.1


FatherSamuel Baker (b. circa 1741, d. 5 December 1815)
MotherElizabeth Chorley (b. 1779, d. before 1861)

Family life

Ephraim Baker and Joan Hill were married on 6 July 1837 at Church of St John the Baptist in Wellington.1

Partner with Joan Hill (b. 1806)

Working life

  • On 6 July 1837 Ephraim Baker was a husbandman in Wellington.1


  1. [S1702] Marriage Certificate, Ephraim Baker and Joan Hill, 6 July 1837, Somerset Heritage Service, Taunton. The Church of St John the Baptist, Wellington, Somerset.
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Last Edited11 June 2022