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Elizabeth Flowerday

b. 1837


Elizabeth Flowerday was born in 1837 in Great Yarmouth.1,2


FatherBenjamin Flowerdew (d. after 1870)
MotherElizabeth Tubby (b. about 1813, d. August 1848)


Elizabeth Flowerday was buried in July 1839 in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. an infant1,2


  1. [S271] Ruth Flowerdew, Letter From Ruth 25 June 1990, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 25 June 1990, Summary of Burials in Great Yarmouth.
  2. [S282] "Research Report: Norfolk Pedigrees Part Four", 4 April 2004, Peter Flowerday; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
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ContextFlowerdew clan
Last Edited21 August 2018