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Hilton David Kessey

b. 1909, d. 1977

Family surname

For more information about the Kessey surname click here.


Hilton David Kessey was born in 1909 in Rockley.1,2,3


FatherJames Kessey (b. 18 June 1858, d. 14 August 1944)
MotherMary Jane Press (b. 24 October 1867, d. 5 March 1951)

Family life

Hilton David Kessey and Josephine Veronica Shannon were married in 1936 in Bourke.4,5,3

Partner with Josephine Veronica Shannon (b. about 1916, d. 1983)

Residence information

Hilton David Kessey resided with James Kessey and Mary Jane Press at 13 Sturt Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in 1936.5 Hilton David Kessey resided with James Kessey and Mary Jane Press at 13 Sturt Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in 1937.6 Hilton David Kessey resided with James Kessey and Mary Jane Press at 13 Sturt Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in 1943.7 Hilton David Kessey and Josephine Veronica Shannon resided at Mitchell Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in 1949.8 He and Josephine Veronica Shannon resided at Mitchell Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in 1954.9 William S Grady and Auntiejoesmum visited Josephine in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in June 1962.4 Hilton David Kessey sold part Lot 8 Sec 23 to Graham Parnaby on 19 June 1978 in Bourke.10

Working life

  • In 1937 Hilton David Kessey was a labourer at 13 Sturt Street in Bourke.6
  • In 1943 Hilton David Kessey was a labourer at 13 Sturt Street in Bourke.7
  • In 1949 Hilton David Kessey was a labourer at Mitchell Street in Bourke.8
  • In 1954 Hilton David Kessey was a welder at Mitchell Street in Bourke.9


Hilton David Kessey died in 1977 at age ~68.11


  1. [S295] Death Certificate, James Kessey, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1944 No 328.
  2. [S296] Death Certificate, Mary Jane Kessey, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1951 No 957.
  3. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  4. [S304] "Research Report: Bruce Fleming, Western Herald extracts", Bruce Fleming; Australian National Library, Canberra.
  5. [S721] Kessey, 1936 Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Bourke, Archives Office of NSW.
  6. [S722] Kessey, 1937 Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Bourke, Archives Office of NSW.
  7. [S723] Kessey, 1943 Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Bourke, Archives Office of NSW.
  8. [S724] Kessey, 1949 Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Bourke, Archives Office of NSW.
  9. [S726] Kessey, 1954 Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Bourke, Archives Office of NSW.
  10. [S740] Deed: J Kessey - HD Kessey, Land Titles Office of NSW, Vol 4640 Fol 95.
  11. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM.)
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ContextBaker clan
Hanrahan clan
Kessey clan
Press clan
Last Edited25 September 2018