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Nora Lilian Murphy

b. 1882

Family surname

For more information about the Murphy surname click here.


Nora Lilian Murphy was born in 1882.1,2


FatherJames Murphy (b. November 1843, d. 5 November 1919)
MotherPrudence Reed (b. 3 July 1846, d. 29 October 1940)

Family life

Edward Burnet and Nora Lilian Murphy were married about 1913 in Sydney.

Child with Edward Burnet (b. about 1882)

DaughterJoan Burnet (b. about 1916)

Residence information

Was 's housemate in Chippendale, New South Wales, Australia, in June 1913. domestic duties.3 Prudence Reed visited about 1918.4 Nora Lilian Murphy lived at 19 Fernhill Street in Hurlstone Park, NSW, Australia, on 29 October 1940.1


Nora Lilian Murphy died. She witnessed the death of Prudence Reed on 29 October 1940 at 19 Fernhill Street in Hurlstone Park, NSW, Australia.1


  1. [S292] Death Certificate, Prudence Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1940 No 526.
  2. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 12559/1882 Bourke.
  3. [S1672] Electoral Roll, Bourke; page 52; 28 Shepherd Street bousehold includes Prudence Murphy (domestic duties) and Lily Murphy (machinist)
  4. [S472] "RR: BDM info from Bruce Fleming", Bruce Fleming; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
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ContextMurphy clan
Last Edited21 August 2018