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William Reed

b. circa April 1831, d. before 1836


William Reed was born circa April 1831 at Southsea Castle in Portsmouth.1 He was baptized on 24 April 1831 at St John's church, Portsea, in Portsmouth, England.1


FatherPrivate James Reed, 80th Regiment of Foot (b. 14 December 1808, d. 30 January 1898)
MotherFrances Heazle (b. 1812, d. 5 April 1895)


William Reed died before 1836.2,3


  1. [S1614] CHU 5, William Reed, 24 April 1831, page 25
  2. [S405] Death Certificate, Frances Reed, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1895 No 4274.
  3. [S384] Surgeon's Journal: "Earl Grey" 1836, (MS, 1836); ADM 101, Archives Office of NSW; Kingswood.
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Last Edited23 January 2022