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Mary Ann Peters

b. 9 November 1856, d. 7 February 1944

Person Exhibits


Mary Ann Peters was born on 9 November 1856 at Windsor Road in Windsor. "Mary was the daughter of William and Sophia Peters and was born at Windsor in 1859. Her father was a sailor and was said to have drowned in the Hawkesbury River after which mother and daughter made their way to Bourke."1,2,3,4


FatherWilliam Peters (b. 1832)
MotherMary Ann ("Sophia") Smith (b. 1835)

Family life

George Charles Reed and Mary Ann Peters were married on 1 January 1877 at St Stephen's Church of England at Bourke in Bourke. "George ... was (at North Bourke) ... when he married Mary Ann Peters on 1st January, 1877."1,5,4

Children with George Charles Reed (b. 23 September 1850, d. 19 September 1909)

SonEdward John Bloxham Reed (b. 14 December 1878, d. 4 November 1881)
SonGilbert George Joseph Whye Reed (b. 28 February 1880, d. 26 March 1949)
DaughterFrances Heazle Reed (b. 17 February 1882)
DaughterEthel Mary Ann Reed (b. 28 July 1883)
DaughterEmily Beatrice Reed (b. 1 July 1885, d. 3 August 1907)
SonBertie Augustus Reed (b. 17 December 1887, d. 10 January 1952)
SonJames Reed (b. 13 February 1890)
SonGeorge Charles Reed (b. 29 July 1892, d. 22 September 1958)
SonWilliam Reed (b. 8 August 1895, d. 9 May 1958)

Residence information

Mary Ann Peters and George Charles Reed resided at Darling Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 5 April 1891 The household included 4 males and 4 females.6


Mary Ann Peters possessed sold one rood of her land to Henry John Kay and retained the residue of 1 rood 29 perches on 23 January 1890 at East Bourke, section 10, lot 5, DP 958, comprising 2 roods 29.75 perches in Darling Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.7 She possessed sold the residue of her land comprising 1 rood and 29 perches to Elizabeth Rogers (wife of John Rogers, labourer of Bourke) on 1 March 1890 at East Bourke, section 10, lot 5, DP 958, comprising 2 roods 29.75 perches in Darling Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.7


Mary Ann Peters died from heart failure on 7 February 1944 at age 87 in Bourke. She had been practically blind for several years.8,9,10,3


  1. [S303] "Research Report: Reed family facts", 1986, Robert Luxford; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), Mary A Peters, 8237/1856, Windsor, parents William and Mary A.
  3. [S1733] Lola Cormie, Back to Bourke, Mary Ann Reed nee Peters, burial, 7 Feb 1944, aged 84, born Windsor, parents William Peters and Sophie Smith
  4. [S1777] Template Error
  5. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 2323/1877, George Charles Reed and Mary Ann Peters, Bourke.
  6. [S1749] G C Reed household, Darling Street, 5 Apr 1891 Census, NSW, Bourke, NSW Records Authority.
  7. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 846 folio 160
  8. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 1095/1944 Bourke, parents William and Sophia.
  9. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Mrs Mary Ann Reed; obituary; 11 February 1944; page 3;; 8 February 2022
  10. [S1663] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1808 James Frances Heazle, Bourke Court House Deaths 4 Nov 1881
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Last Edited14 June 2023