George Charles Reed possessed purchased land for 5 pounds on 25 November 1867 at section 18, lot 5, 1 acre, Anson Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.
1,26 He possessed purchased land for five pounds on 25 November 1867 at section 18, lot 6, 1 acre, corner of Anson Street and the billabong, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.
27 He possessed sold land to James Moloney (Customs Officer, Bourke) on 10 September 1873 at section 18, lot 6, 1 acre, corner of Anson Street and the billabong, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.
27 He possessed sold land to James Moloney (Customs Officer, Bourke) on 10 September 1873 at section 18, lot 5, 1 acre, Anson Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.
26 He possessed purchased land from John E Kelly on 19 June 1875 in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.
28 He possessed purchased 2 roods of land from John Edward Kelly (publican of Bourke) on 19 June 1875 at section 11 lot 2, Darling Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.
29 He possessed sold land to Edward Warmoll on 4 September 1878 in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.
28 He possessed sold 2 roods of land to Edward Warmoll (publican of Bourke) on 4 September 1878 at section 11 lot 2, Darling Street, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.
2930,31,32 He possessed purchased land from Joseph Becker on 30 June 1881 at section 4, lot 10, 2 roods, corner of Darling and Narran Streets, in North Bourke, NSW.
17 He possessed sold land to Alfred Kirkpatrick on 11 July 1881 at section 4, lot 10, 2 roods, corner of Darling and Narran Streets, in North Bourke, NSW.
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