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Emily Beatrice Reed

b. 1 July 1885, d. 3 August 1907


Emily Beatrice Reed was born on 1 July 1885 at Charlton in Bourke.1,2 She was baptized on 27 October 1886 at St Stephen's Church of England at Bourke in Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.2


FatherGeorge Charles Reed (b. 23 September 1850, d. 19 September 1909)
MotherMary Ann Peters (b. 9 November 1856, d. 7 February 1944)


Emily Beatrice Reed died from consumption on 3 August 1907 at age 22 in Bourke.3,4


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 15469/1885.
  2. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Emily Beatrice Reed, 27 Oct 1886, number 958, page 70, born 1 Jul 1885 at Charlton, (page 22)
  3. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 8193/1907 Bourke, Emily B Reed, parents George C and Mary A.
  4. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., At the Council Chambers; news article; 7 August 1907; page 2;; 8 February 2022
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Last Edited14 June 2023