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Joseph Waples

b. about 1858, d. 8 April 1899

Person Exhibits

Joseph Waples (1857 1899), circa 1897.

Family surname

For more information about the Waples surname click here.


Joseph Waples was born about 1858.1


FatherGeorge Waples (b. 1807, d. 27 February 1884)
MotherAmelia Carlisle (b. 29 January 1813, d. 2 June 1876)

Family life

Joseph Waples and Mary Glenn were married.2

Partner with Mary Glenn (d. after 1899)


Attested to the validity of 's will on 20 July 1880 in Mount Kembla, NSW, Australia.3 Joseph Waples witnessed the probate of the estate of George Waples on 9 April 1884 in Australia.3 Joseph Waples died on 8 April 1899 at age ~41 in Unanderra.2 He had his estate probated on 18 August 1899 in Unanderra, NSW, Australia. A189908182


  1. [S352] Death Certificate, Amelia Waples, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1876 1138.
  2. [S407] Joseph Waples will (18 Aug 1899), Will: Joseph Waples 18532 in 1899, Probate Office, NSW. Hereinafter cited as W: Waples, Joseph.
  3. [S396] George Waples will (9 Apr 1884), Will: George Waples 9662 in 1884, Probate Office, NSW. Hereinafter cited as W: Waples, George.
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ContextCarlisle clan
Waples clan
Last Edited21 August 2018