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Person Page 4,029

Herbert Ernest Kemp

b. about 1873, d. 22 December 1945

Family surname

For more information about the Kemp surname click here.


Herbert Ernest Kemp was born about 1873 in Australia.1,2


FatherWilliam Isaac Kemp (b. about 1826, d. 29 April 1897)
MotherEmma Mary ("Granny Kemp") Elliott (b. 17 October 1837, d. 12 December 1931)

Family life

Herbert Ernest Kemp and Evelyn Edith King were married in 1918.2

Partner with Evelyn Edith King

Residence information

Herbert Ernest Kemp lived at Calga Street in Coonamble West, NSW, Australia, on 12 December 1931.1


Herbert Ernest Kemp witnessed the death of Emma Mary ("Granny Kemp") Elliott on 12 December 1931 at Coonamble District Hospital in Coonamble, New South Wales, Australia.1,2,3,4 He died on 22 December 1945 at age ~72 in Orange.2,1,5


  1. [S460] Death Certificate, Emma Kemp, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1931 No 19973.
  2. [S471] "RR: Kemp Family Group Sheets by Lorraine Voigt", 29 Jan 1991, Lorraine Voigt (5 Kenworth Street Brassall Qld 4305); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S1267] Attwood Charles and Frances Gardner; and Emma Kemp Gravestone, Coonamble Cemetery, Back Gular Road, Coonamble; Jim Fleming, 10 May 1943.
  4. [S1470] Woman Pioneer's Career, The Sun, Sydney, 14 Dec 1931, 5.
  5. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM.)
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Last Edited3 May 2021