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Person Page 4,315

Daisy Una Geraldine Gardner

b. 1907

Family surname

For more information about the Gardner surname click here.


Daisy Una Geraldine Gardner was born in 1907.1,2


FatherAttwood Charles Gardner (b. 24 December 1862, d. 1 May 1937)
MotherFrances ("Granny Gardner") Kemp (b. 7 July 1859, d. 10 May 1943)

Family life

Albert Roberts and Daisy Una Geraldine Gardner were married.3

Partner with Albert Roberts


  1. [S473] Lorraine Voigt, The Kemp Family History, 5 Kenworth Street, Brassall, Qld, 4305: Lorraine Voigt, 1992, p 41.
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S473] Lorraine Voigt, The Kemp Family History, 5 Kenworth Street, Brassall, Qld, 4305: Lorraine Voigt, 1992, p 58.
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ContextGardner clan
Last Edited29 June 2020