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Ellen Elizabeth Bowe

b. December 1823, d. 14 October 1881

Person Exhibits


Ellen Elizabeth Bowe was born in December 1823 in Kilkenny.1,2,3,4 She was baptized on 25 December 1823 at St John's in Kilkenny, Ireland.3,5 She was named after about 1869.6


FatherCornelius ("John") Bowe (b. about 1795, d. about 1828)
MotherMary ("Granny Scott") Lahy (b. March 1793, d. 27 January 1884)

Family life

John Jackson and Ellen Elizabeth Bowe were married on 26 December 1843 at St Phillips Parish in Cumberland.1,1,2,4

Children with John Jackson (b. about 1820)

SonThomas Jackson (b. about 1845, d. before 14 October 1881)
DaughterMargaret Jackson (b. about 1846, d. after 14 October 1881)
SonJohn Jackson (b. about 1847, d. 1906)
DaughterRebecca Jackson (b. about 1850, d. after 14 October 1881)
DaughterElizabeth Jackson (b. about 1852, d. after 14 October 1881)
DaughterMary Ann Jackson (b. about 1854, d. after 14 October 1881)
DaughterEllen Jackson (b. about 1857, d. after 14 October 1881)
SonMartin Jackson (b. about 1860, d. 1928)
DaughterRachael Jackson (b. about 1862, d. after 14 October 1881)
SonGeorge McKenzie Jackson (b. about 1865, d. 1906)
DaughterEmma Jackson (b. about 1867, d. after 14 October 1881)

Residence information

On 25 December 1823 he resided with parent (Cornelius ("John") Bowe) in Johnswell, Kilkenny, Ireland.3,5 Ellen Elizabeth Bowe immigrated aboard on 30 May 1837 to in Sydney, NSW, Australia. SS Margaret7,2 She lived at Port Curtis Road in Rockhamption, Qld, Australia, on 14 October 1881.2

Involvement in crime

Ellen Elizabeth Bowe was on 24 October 1842 in Sydney, NSW, Australia. charged by the police7 She was on 9 February 1843 in Sydney, NSW, Australia. discharged7


Died from on on 14 October 1881 in Rockhamption, Qld, Australia, at. ascites and anasarca1,2 Ellen Elizabeth Bowe was buried on 15 October 1881 at Rockhampton Cemetery in Rockhamption.2


  1. [S619] "Resarch Report: Bohan, Martin by Leeanne Godfrey", 22 Jun 2013, Leeanne Godfrey; WikiTree,
  2. [S648] Death Certificate, Ellen Jackson nee Bohen, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Queensland, Vol 1881 No 68837.
  3. [S1083] Baptismal Record: Ellen Bowe 1823, (25 Dec 1823), St John's RC Church, Irish Family History Foundation, Ireland
  4. [S1779] Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, Admission Register 1859-1906 accessed through Queensland State Archives on 29 Jun 2023 at - Original record: Queensland State Archives, Brisbane, Admission Registers, Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, page 182, Item ID ITM9520, Mary Scott, admitted on 24 Jan 1884 on the recommendation of the Police Magistrate at Toowoomba.
  5. [S1110] "RR: Lahy family origins - Essay by James Michael Fleming", 2019, James Michael Fleming (4 Currawang Street, Cammeray); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  6. [S449] Death Certificate, Martin Bowen, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1891 No 5680.
  7. [S647] Ellen Bohen, Gaol Admission: Darlinghurst, Bohen Ellen 1842, 24 Oct 1842
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ContextBohen clan
Last Edited9 July 2019