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Bridget Ryan

b. about 1831


Bridget Ryan was born about 1831.1

Family life

Patrick Tobin and Bridget Ryan were married on 3 February 1851 at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney.1,2,3

Children with Patrick Tobin (b. March 1815, d. 28 June 1887)

SonWilliam Tobin (b. about 1851, d. after 29 June 1887)
SonPatrick Tobin (b. 1854, d. 12 July 1916)

Involvement in crime

On 6 July 1854 Reuben Kelly in Chippendale, NSW, Australia. allegedly stabbed4 Bridget Ryan was tried for on 11 August 1854 in Sydney, NSW, Australia. felonious assault5,6


  1. [S664] NSW Registry of Births Deaths And Marriages, Index NSW marriage: Tobin Gibbs, (Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.)
  2. [S680] Marriage Certificate, Patrick Tobin and Bridget Gibbs, 3 February 1851, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. Vol 97 No 35.
  3. [S688] Death Certificate, Patrick Tobin, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1887 No 8539.
  4. [S669] Central Police Court, The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 Jul 1854.
  5. [S670] Felonious Assault, The Empire, 14 Aug 1854.
  6. [S671] Sentences, The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 Aug 1854.
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Last Edited21 August 2018