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Patrick Tobin

b. March 1815, d. 28 June 1887

Person Exhibits

Detailed biography

For a detailed biography of Patrick Tobin click here.


Patrick Tobin was born in March 1815 in Kilkenny. aged 20 in 18361,2,3,4 He was baptized on 2 April 1815 at St John's in Kilkenny, Ireland.5,6


FatherThomas Tobin (b. about 1791, d. about 1818)
MotherMary ("Granny Scott") Lahy (b. March 1793, d. 27 January 1884)

Family life

Patrick Tobin and Bridget Ryan were married on 3 February 1851 at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney.7,8,9

Children with Bridget Ryan (b. about 1831)

SonWilliam Tobin (b. about 1851, d. after 29 June 1887)
SonPatrick Tobin (b. 1854, d. 12 July 1916)

Residence information

On 2 April 1815 resided with parent (Thomas Tobin) in Johnswell, Kilkenny, Ireland.5,6 On 11 July 1817 she resided with parent (Thomas Tobin) in Johnswell, Kilkenny, Ireland.10,6 Patrick Tobin emigrated on 7 September 1836 from Kilkenny, Ireland. SS St Vincent1 He immigrated on 5 January 1837 to Sydney, NSW, Australia. convict ship St Vincent11,12,13,14,3,15,16 He lived in Scone, NSW, Australia, on 31 December 1837. Patrick was a convict assigned to C D Street of Invermein (the old name for Scone, NSW).17 He lived in Sydney, NSW, Australia, in 1848. His ticket of leave was altered to allow him to live in Sydney "for as long as he remains in the service of Mr Tho. Turner Assistant Rector St Andrews Cathedral".18 He lived at Botany Road in Sydney, NSW, Australia, on 25 July 1850. His Ticket of Leave was altered to allow him to remain in the service of Mr John Smith18 He lived in Sydney, NSW, Australia, on 3 February 1851.8

Involvement in crime

, aged at age 16, in Kilkenny, Ireland, on 15 July 1836.11,1,12,13,3,16 Patrick Tobin in Newcastle, NSW, Australia, on 15 November 1842. was interred19 He was on 17 November 1842 in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. discharged20 He was granted his on 26 November 1846 in Windsor, NSW, Australia. ticket of leave18,18,16 He was granted on 1 July 1851 in Sydney, NSW, Australia. a Conditional Pardon21,22,16 On 7 July 1851. His ticket of leave was torn up because he received Conditional Pardon number 51/2818 On 6 July 1854 Reuben Kelly in Chippendale, NSW, Australia. allegedly stabbed23 Patrick Tobin was confined in Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia, on 7 July 1854. by the Police Office for examination24 In Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia, on 14 July 1854 Patrick Tobin was. released to the Police Office24 On 11 August 1854 in Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia, Patrick Tobin was. admitted from the Supreme Court where he had been found guilty and sentenced to labour on the roads for 5 years25 He was tried on 11 August 1854 for in Sydney, NSW, Australia. wounding with intent15,26 He was tried for on 11 August 1854 in Sydney, NSW, Australia. felonious assault27,28 On 23 August 1854 Patrick Tobin was in Sydney, NSW, Australia. sent from Darlinghurst Gaol for admission25,26 On 12 November 1854 Patrick Tobin in Sydney, NSW, Australia. one leg iron was struck off26 On 11 February 1855 Patrick Tobin in Sydney, NSW, Australia. the second leg iron was struck off26 On 14 January 1856 in Sydney, NSW, Australia. (on the recommendation of Mr Justice Therry) the Convict Control Board decided to recommend Patrick Tobin for a ticket of leave.29 He was granted his on 18 July 1856 in Scone, NSW, Australia. ticket of leave15

Working life

  • On 7 September 1836 Patrick Tobin was a labourer in Sydney.3
  • On 7 July 1854 Patrick Tobin was a labourer in Darlinghurst.24
  • On 27 June 1887 Patrick Tobin was a shepherd in Glen Innes.9


Patrick Tobin died on 28 June 1887 at age 72 in Glen Innes. jaundice2,9,30 He was buried on 29 June 1887 in Glen Innes. Glen Innes cemetery9


  1. [S625] Convict Departure Indents: 1836 SS St Vincent Bohen Martin, Departure Indents SS St Vincent, Kingswood; Archives Office of NSW, NRS 1156, 4/7078. Hereinafter cited as Convict Departure Indents: 1836 SS St Vincent Bohen Martin.
  2. [S621] "Research Report: Tobin, Patrick on WikiTree by Leeane Godfrey", 22 Jun 2013, Leeane Godfrey; WikiTree,
  3. [S649] Patrick Tobin Patrick Tobin entry, SS St Vincent, Convict Arrival Indents, 1837; in NRS 1156 (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW), 4/7078.
  4. [S1034] "RR: Finding Patrick Tobin - by James Michael Fleming", 2018, James Michael Fleming (4 Currawang Street, Cammeray); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  5. [S1080] Baptismal Record: Patrick Tobin 1815, (2 Apr 1815), St John's Church, Irish Family History Foundation, Ireland
  6. [S1110] "RR: Lahy family origins - Essay by James Michael Fleming", 2019, James Michael Fleming (4 Currawang Street, Cammeray); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  7. [S664] NSW Registry of Births Deaths And Marriages, Index NSW marriage: Tobin Gibbs, (Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.)
  8. [S680] Marriage Certificate, Patrick Tobin and Bridget Gibbs, 3 February 1851, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. Vol 97 No 35.
  9. [S688] Death Certificate, Patrick Tobin, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1887 No 8539.
  10. [S1081] Baptismal Record: Mary Tobin 1817, (11 Jul 1817), St John's Church, Irish Family History Foundation, Ireland
  11. [S624] Martin Bohen entry, SS St Vincent, Convict Arrival Indents, 1837; in NRS 12188 (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW.)
  12. [S630] Martin Bohen, Convict Ticket Of Leave Butt: Bohen Martin 1847, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 4 Jan 1847
  13. [S631] Martin Bohen, Conditional Pardon, (NSW: Government Gazette), 7 Jun 1853
  14. [S634] Mary Tobin entry, SS Sir Charles Forbes, Convict Arrival Indents, 1837; in Convict Records (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW.)
  15. [S652] Patrick Tobin, Convict Ticket Of Leave Butt: 1856 Tobin Patrick, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 18 Jul 1856
  16. [S666] Patrick Tobin, Conditional Pardon, (NSW: Government Gazette), 1851
  17. [S650] Patrick Tobin, Convict Muster 1837 NSW: Tobin Patrick, (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW), 1837
  18. [S651] Patrick Tobin, Convict Ticket Of Leave Butt: 1846 Tobin Patrick, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 26 Nov 1846
  19. [S653] Patrick Tobin, Gaol Admission: Newcastle, Description, 15 Nov 1842
  20. [S654] Patrick Tobin, Gaol Discharge: Newcastle, Tobin Patrick 1842, 17 Nov 1842
  21. [S667] Conditional Pardons, The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Sep 1851.
  22. [S668] Conditional Pardons, The Freemans Journal, 18 Sep 1851.
  23. [S669] Central Police Court, The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 Jul 1854.
  24. [S655] Patrick Tobin, Gaol Admission: Darlinghurst, Tobin Patrick 1854 07, 7 Jul 1854
  25. [S656] Patrick Tobin, Gaol Admission: Darlinghurst, Tobin Patrick 1854 08, 11 Aug 1854
  26. [S662] Patrick Tobin, Gaol Prisoner Summary: Cockatoo Island, Tobin Patrick 1856, 26 Feb 1856
  27. [S670] Felonious Assault, The Empire, 14 Aug 1854.
  28. [S671] Sentences, The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 Aug 1854.
  29. [S659] Patrick Tobin, Convict Control Board minutes, (Kingswood: NSW Archives), 14 Jan 1856
  30. [S663] NSW Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index NSW death: Tobin, Patrick, (Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages.)
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ContextBohen clan
Last Edited29 June 2019