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Person Page 5,080

Patrick Tobin

b. 1854, d. 12 July 1916


Patrick Tobin was born in 1854.1,2


FatherPatrick Tobin (b. March 1815, d. 28 June 1887)
MotherBridget Ryan (b. about 1831)


Patrick Tobin died on 12 July 1916 at age ~62 at Royal Hotel in Uralla. heart failure2 He was buried on 13 July 1916 in Uralla. He was buried in the general cemetery2


  1. [S665] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index: NSW Births Tobin x 2, (Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.)
  2. [S684] Death Certificate, Patrick Tobin, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1916 No 15106.
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ContextBohen clan
Last Edited21 August 2018