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Person Page 6,223

Robert Clarkson

b. July 1850


Robert Clarkson was born in July 1850 in Fulwood.1,2


FatherRobert Clarkson (b. 28 December 1809, d. 9 October 1881)
MotherAlice Singleton (b. circa 1814, d. 9 July 1850)

Residence information

On 30 March 1851 they resided with parent (Robert Clarkson, weaver) in Fulwood, Lancashire.1 On 30 March 1861 they resided with parent (Robert Clarkson, cotton handloom weaver) in Fulwood, Lancashire.3

Working life

  • On 30 March 1861 Robert Clarkson was a cotton winder at Fulwood Row in Fulwood.


  1. [S1207] Robert Clarkson, 30 Mar 1851 Census UK, London, Fulwood, Public Record Office, p6.
  2. [S1236] Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, Index to Lancashire Baptisms, (Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, 20 Jan 2021), Preston District, Broughton 5/89.
  3. [S1211] Robert Clarkson, 30 Mar 1861 Census UK, London, Fulwood, Public Record Office, p8.
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ContextClarkson clan
Last Edited22 June 2020