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Person Page 6,261

Alice Clarkson

b. 1848, d. 19 January 1849


Alice Clarkson was born in 1848 in Broughton.1


FatherRobert Clarkson (b. 28 December 1809, d. 9 October 1881)
MotherAlice Singleton (b. circa 1814, d. 9 July 1850)


Alice Clarkson died on 19 January 1849 at age ~1 in Preston.2


  1. [S1236] Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, Index to Lancashire Baptisms, (Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, 20 Jan 2021), Preston District, Broughton 4/98.
  2. [S1233] FamilySearch, Index to English Baptisms (FMP), (Find My Past), 19 Jan 1849 Preston Lancashire, Alice Clarkson infant.
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ContextClarkson clan
Last Edited23 June 2020