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Elizabeth Harley

b. 1765, d. 2 July 1842


Elizabeth Harley was born in 1765 in Woolwich.

Family life

James William Blackman and Elizabeth Harley were married on 3 December 1785 at St Margaret's Church in Lee.1

Children with James William Blackman (b. 26 December 1759, d. 6 May 1842)

SonGeorge Blackman
SonSamuel Blackman (b. 1790, d. 1843)
DaughterElizabeth Blackman+ (b. about 1791, d. 18 March 1849)
SonJames Blackman (b. 1792, d. 1868)
SonJohn Blackman (b. 1795, d. 1867)
SonWilliam Blackman (b. 1801, d. 1854)
DaughterHenrietta Blackman (b. 1807, d. 1851)
SonRobert Blackman (b. 1811, d. 1876)
DaughterMartha Blackman (b. 1813, d. 1901)


Elizabeth Harley died on 2 July 1842 at age ~77 in Mudgee.


  1. [S1270] "Family Tree, Robinson Family by David Swords", online database, David Swords, Ancestry ( : accessed )"; submitted., accessed; 2 August 2020; Robinson Family; Descendants of William Carlisle; David Swords; email address; descended from John Carlisle through Henrietta Emma
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Last Edited2 August 2020