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Elizabeth Blackman

b. about 1791, d. 18 March 1849


Elizabeth Blackman was born about 1791.


FatherJames William Blackman (b. 26 December 1759, d. 6 May 1842)
MotherElizabeth Harley (b. 1765, d. 2 July 1842)

Family life

William Carlisle and Elizabeth Blackman were married about 1816.1 John Roberts and she were married about 1825 at de facto in Richmond.2

Children with William Carlisle (b. about 1782, d. 27 July 1852)

SonJames Carlisle (b. 6 October 1817, d. about 1863)
SonJohn Carlisle (b. 16 May 1819, d. 1891)
DaughterHenrietta Carlisle (b. about 1 October 1821, d. about 1856)

Partner with John Roberts (b. 1801, d. 28 July 1880)

Residence information

Charles, Maria, and Amelia traveled to on 12 April 1817.3,4,5,6,1,7 William, Charles, Maria, James, and John traveled to on 9 November 1819.8,1


Elizabeth Blackman died on 18 March 1849 at age ~58 at aged 51 years in Richmond.9


  1. [S518] Carlisle William, Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, p62.
  2. [S381] Public caution, Sydney Gazette, 17 Feb 1825.
  3. [S300] William Carlisle and Charles Gordon, Auckland-Waikato Historical Journal, September 1982, pp 29-31.
  4. [S309] Helen M Simpson, "Before Waitangi," in The Women of New Zealand. (Wellington: NZ Department of Internal Affairs, 1940). Hereinafter cited as "Before Waitangi."
  5. [S368] Committee Minutes, Society House Minutes June 8 1818, Church Missionary Society; FM4 1454, Archives Office of NSW, Kingswood. Hereinafter cited as Minutes: Church Missionary Soc.
  6. [S411] Gordon, Charles Moltson, Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, p159.
  7. [S1268] Various family historians, L: Correspondence re Carlisle, Gordon, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 2 Aug 2020.
  8. [S305] John Thomas Bigge, "Samuel Marsden," in The Bigge Commission of Inquiry. (London: House of Commons, 1822). Hereinafter cited as "Samuel Marsden."
  9. [S385] Death Certificate, Elizabeth Carlisle, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1849 No 927.
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Last Edited21 August 2018