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James Entwistle

b. 19 May 1793


James Entwistle was born on 19 May 1793 in Edgworth.1 He was baptized on 26 May 1793 at St Ann's Church in Turton, Lancashire.1


FatherHenry ("Harry") Entwistle (b. 10 March 1766, d. 17 April 1819)
MotherMartha Jackson (b. 5 August 1769, d. 22 February 1828)

Involvement in crime

James Entwistle was convicted and sentenced to transportation for 7 years on 20 January 1813 in Salford, Lancashire.2,3,4 William and Joseph, aged at age 46, in Lancaster, England, United Kingdom, on 26 January 1813.5,6 James Entwistle was received on board the Portland Hulk on 18 April 1813 in Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom. He joined his father Henry and first cousin William who had both been received on board the previous day4 He was transferred from the Portland Hulk to the Bellerophon Hulk on 16 October 1816 in Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom.2,4 He and William Entwistle were granted a free pardon by King George III on 26 January 1818 in Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom.7,4 James Entwistle was discharged from the Bellerophon Hulk on 28 January 1818 in Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom.2,4 He was transferred to the Leviathan Hulk on 7 February 1829 in Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom. Alternatively, this could be the James Entwistle who was born 1806 and transported per Sarah in 1829 - later a publican in York St Sydney.8


  1. [S1356] Bap: Entwistle, James 1793, Vol 1793, (26 May 1793), General Register Office, England, Trafalgar Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 2HH
  2. [S1357] James Entwistle, Convict Hulk Register: Entwistle, James Bellerophon 1818, (96 Euston Road, London: British Library), 1818, Convict Hulk Bellerophon
  3. [S1359] James Entwistle, Criminal Court Register: Lancaster James Entwistle Jan 1813, January Sessions 1813, page 153
  4. [S1538] Henry, William and James Entwistle, Convict Hulk Register, (London: British Library), 1813-1816, Convict Hulk Portland
  5. [S1347] Henry Entwistle, Criminal Court Register: Lancaster Henry Entwistle Dec 1813, Summer Assizes 1813, page 153
  6. [S1527] New Bayley Courthouse, The Manchester Mercury and Harrop's General Advertiser, Part of the "Tuesday February 2 1813" column, 2 Feb 1813, page 4.
  7. [S1360] Deed: King George III free pardon warrant 26 Jan 1818, Public Record Office, London, HO 13/31 p173.
  8. [S1361] James Entwistle, Convict Hulk Register: Entwistle, James Leviathan 1829, (96 Euston Road, London: British Library), 1829, Convict Hulk Leviathan
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Last Edited24 February 2021