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Person Page 6,461

Frances Day

b. 1822, d. 9 June 1851


Frances Day was born in 1822 in Sussex.1,2,3

Family life

William Entwistle and Frances Day were married on 24 December 1840 in Parramatta.1,4

Children with William Entwistle (b. 1 June 1792, d. 30 July 1864)

DaughterMary Jane ("Ann") Entwistle (b. 1840)
SonAlfred William Entwistle (b. 2 December 1841)
DaughterMary Jane Entwistle (b. 1 July 1843)
SonJames Entwistle (b. 11 March 1845)
DaughterSarah Entwistle (b. 6 December 1846)
DaughterEmma Amelia Entwistle (b. 13 November 1848, d. before 1862)


Frances Day died on 9 June 1851 at age ~29 at O'Connell Street in Parramatta.1,5,2,3 She was buried on 11 June 1851 at St John's Cemetery in Parramatta.1,3


  1. [S1434] "The Entwistle Lineage", 15 Aug 2019, Terry Walker (Perth, WA); Terry Walker Family History Archive, Perth.
  2. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S1555] Ancestry, Burial Register, (Church of St John, Parramatta, 11 Jun 1851), wife of William Entwistle, maiden surname Day, Frances Entwistle.
  4. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  5. [S1435] "Family Tree material Entwistle", 10 Oct 2020, Terry Walker (Perth, WA); Terry Walker Family History Archive, Perth.
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Last Edited6 February 2021