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James Entwistle

b. 11 March 1845


James Entwistle was born on 11 March 1845 in Parramatta.1 He was baptized on 13 April 1845 in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.1


FatherWilliam Entwistle (b. 1 June 1792, d. 30 July 1864)
MotherFrances Day (b. 1822, d. 9 June 1851)


They was a benficiary of 's will on 23 June 1862 in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.2


  1. [S1547] Entwistle baptisms at Parramatta, Vol 4, 1839-1883, No 1-3602, Baptisms 1790-1916, (from 26 Dec 1841),
  2. [S1556] William Entwistle will (23 Jun 1862), W: Entwistle, William 1862 number 6157/1, Supreme Court, NSW. Hereinafter cited as W: Entwistle, William 1862.
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Last Edited5 February 2021