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Sarah Reed

b. 20 November 1839, d. 11 May 1843


Sarah Reed was born on 20 November 1839 at Military Barracks in Sydney.1 She was baptized on 1 December 1839 at St James church in Sydney, New South Wales.1


FatherPrivate James Reed, 80th Regiment of Foot (b. 14 December 1808, d. 30 January 1898)
MotherFrances Heazle (b. 1812, d. 5 April 1895)


Sarah Reed died on 11 May 1843 at age 3 at Military Barracks in Sydney.2,3 She was buried on 14 May 1843 at St Phillips church in Sydney.3


  1. [S1649] St James church (Sydney, NSW), , , ; digital index, Ancestry ( : accessed )., FHL film number 993952
  2. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 51/1843 V184351 27b.
  3. [S1719] Burial Register of St Phillips Church, Sydney, NSW, Sarah Reed, Society of Australian Genealogists, Kent St, Sydney, Reel 91.
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Last Edited20 August 2022